Home » At Night, the Russian Federation Hit the Dnieper With Missiles
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At Night, the Russian Federation Hit the Dnieper With Missiles

On the night of August 24, explosions were heard in the Dnieper.

This was reported by the head of the Dnepropetrovsk OVA Serhiy Lysak.

The authorities confirmed the missile strikes. The transport object was badly damaged.

7 people were injured – three men and four women, from 32 to 55 years old. Mostly they have lacerations and shrapnel wounds. Six were hospitalized in a state of moderate severity.

A bank, a gas station, a hotel, an agricultural firm, furniture production, and an office building were also damaged.

Also, according to him, two houses, three buses and several cars were damaged.

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 547 days. We follow the latest news and key events on August 24, 2023 online .

We have previously summarized previous day. The General Staff reported on the advance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the direction of Novoprokopovka in the Orekhovsky direction. This is a village south of Rabotino, which Ukrainian troops entered the day before. Novoprokopovka is located on the highway that leads to Tokmak, Zaporozhye region. Some Western analysts are already saying that Ukrainian forces east of Rabotino have reached the second – main – line of Russian defense. 

Source : CTPAHA.UA
