Home » The Ukrainian Armed Forces Complained About Problems Due to the Blockade of the Border by Poland
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The Ukrainian Armed Forces Complained About Problems Due to the Blockade of the Border by Poland

The blockade of the border by Poland has led to a problem with the supply of military cargo for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on the front line. This was reported by The New York Times.

According to Ukrainian military officer Alexander, his unit, in particular, is waiting for the delivery of two night vision devices stuck at the Polish-Ukrainian cordon. He accused carriers blockading the border of being out of touch with reality, saying they were “washing their hands in the blood of people who are waiting for the help they need.”

According to the head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Transport and Infrastructure  , Yulia Klymenko , such a blockade could lead to a drop in Ukraine’s projected GDP growth by one percent in 2023. “Businesses are not getting enough components; supply chains are disrupted. This also applies to military equipment and its production. To even assemble drones, they need to be brought from somewhere else,” the deputy explained.

In early November, Polish cargo carriers blocked four border crossings on the border with Ukraine. They demanded that commercial restrictions be introduced for Ukrainian colleagues and their number limited. Truckers promised to end the blockade if they were given 50 percent of flights between countries, and carriers from Ukraine would be deprived of benefits for the transit of goods through the territory of the European Union .

Source : LENTA.RU
