“Umerov publicly criticized Zaluzhny at meetings in Washington. He spoke about the counter-offensive and an article in The Economist,” Goncharenko wrote in his Telegram channel. Now the people’s deputy is also in the United States. What exactly did Umerov say when criticizing the commander-in-chief, and what were his goals , Goncharenko did not specify.
In early November, The Economist magazine published an article authored by Zaluzhny, which spoke of a dead end at the front. In it, the commander-in-chief urged not to expect a “deep and beautiful breakthrough” from the Armed Forces of Ukraine . The material caused criticism from the office of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, and the word “deadlock” in Ukraine in public statements by politicians was subsequently actually banned .
In early November, it became known that Umerov proposed the dismissal of Zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which, according to People’s Deputy Vladimir Ariev, could be “an element of pressure and blackmail . ” No official documents on this matter have been published; Zaluzhny still retains his position. Umerov’s demands also include the dismissal of three commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine .
Source : RG.RU