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Belarus-Venezuela Commission on Economic Cooperation to Meet in November

Belarus and Venezuela are preparing a meeting of the joint commission on trade and economic cooperation. The agenda of the event was discussed during a meeting between Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Venezuela Andrei Molchan and Vice President of Venezuela – Minister of Planning Ricardo Menendez, BelTA learned from the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is planned that the upcoming meeting will be held in Minsk in November this year.

As it has been reported, in October Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko met with Venezuela’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Yvan Gil Pinto. The president noted then that due to certain circumstances, primarily external factors, interaction between the two countries has been put on hold.

“I feel that we need to have a fresh look at all areas and issues of cooperation that we identified in the times of Hugo Chavez,” said the head of state. “We should decide in what way Belarus and Venezuela can be helpful to each other. We need to develop an appropriate plan, a road-map for the short and medium term, and perhaps even the long term. If other states, say Cuba, need to be included in this cooperation scheme, we don’t mind it. In other words, if you agree, we will be ready, the foreign minister will be ready to implement these agreements by the new year,” the president noted.

Source: Belta
