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Peru is Back to Showcase Its Mining Potential to the World

Energy and Mines Minister Oscar Vera affirmed that Peru will once again showcase its mining potential at an international level.

“Our presence here aims to consolidate our position and to express the direct and forceful message that Peru has returned to major international leagues and is present to showcase its mining potential, convinced that mining is one of the most solid pillars of economic development,” the government official stated.

His remarks were made during his address on mining investment opportunities in Peru, within the framework of the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC 2023) held in the Australian city of Sydney.

“IMARC 2023 is an opportunity to strengthen collaboration with key players in the mining field on a global scale, while improving strategic communication and aiming to make viable more projects that contribute to increasing our mining production, thus enabling sustainable development and growth in harmony with modern mining standards that protect the environment and society,” he added.

Likewise, the government official reiterated and reaffirmed the Peruvian position that is committed to mining practices that are sustainable for the people and the environment —through optimal and responsible management of natural resources— and that benefits all parties involved in mining activity.

In his speech, the Energy and Mines sector’s head said the Government is engaged in the creation of mechanisms to unblock mining projects and attract more investment to the country.

“We are resolving obstacles related to permits and procedures, which hinder the growth of mining activity,” he stressed.

Furthermore, the Cabinet member noted that the issuance of permits and procedures in the mining sector is being reviewed and expedited, with the aim of encouraging investment and achieving common goals for the benefit of communities, companies, and the Peruvian State.

In his regard, Vera stressed that there is optimism about reaching new alliances at IMARC 2023 to consolidate the portfolio of mining projects, by attracting more investors who are convinced that their presence in Peru will improve the quality of life and will strengthen the capabilities of a forward-looking population that is not opposed to mining.

“Mining will help provide the resources we need for better education, health, infrastructure, basic services, and everything that leads to the well-being of our children and all Peruvians. Peru is back,” he concluded.

Source: Andina
