Home » U.s. Donates Enough Equipment for Counteroffensive, Won’t Give That Much Again – the Wall Street Journal
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U.s. Donates Enough Equipment for Counteroffensive, Won’t Give That Much Again – the Wall Street Journal

Ukraine has made adjustments to its offensive strategy after several weeks of disputes with the Americans,  The Wall Street Journal reports , citing sources.

The Americans urged that all efforts be directed to the Orekhovo direction in order to reach the Sea of ​​Azov. They believe that enough armored vehicles were transferred for this and they will not give so many again.

In particular, the United States does not understand the efforts under Bakhmut.

“You don’t understand the nature of this conflict. This is not counterinsurgency. This is the Battle of Kursk,” these words in a conversation with the Americans are attributed to Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny.

However, according to the WSJ, Ukraine nevertheless made adjustments to its strategy and concentrated on the Orekhovsky direction, going on the defensive “in the eastern part of the Zaporozhye Front.” Probably, this means the second direction of the strike in the south on the Vremevsky ledge.

According to US officials, the time for success in the south is not yet lost. Zaluzhny also told the Americans that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are on the verge of a breakthrough. 

However, deep divisions over strategy remain. 

“U.S. officials say the Ukrainians are still too dispersed for a concentrated offensive to the south, as numerous brigades are deployed to the east, and they still do not combine the use of artillery, mechanized units and demining efforts,” the material says.

Ukraine, on the other hand, replies that it is trying to minimize losses so as not to lose long-term combat potential. She also reminds her that she has no advantage in the air.

It is also indicated that only 50-70% of the fighters who participated in the offensive had previous combat experience.

90% of Ukrainians are not ready to give up territory to the Russian Federation for the sake of ending the war

Source : UAR
