Home » German Company Supplied Machines for the Production of Sniper Rifles to Russia in Circumvention of Sanctions – Media
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German Company Supplied Machines for the Production of Sniper Rifles to Russia in Circumvention of Sanctions – Media

The German company supplied machines for the production of sniper rifles to the Russian Federation.

This is stated by Der Spiegel, citing sources.

According to the publication, the former head of the company from Baden-Württemberg, Ulli Z., was detained in France on August 10, and on August 22 he was taken into custody by German law enforcement agencies at Frankfurt am Main airport. The court later placed the man in pre-trial detention.

It is reported that the detainee in 2015, despite the sanctions already introduced at that time in connection with the annexation of Crimea, signed contracts with the Russians for the supply of high-precision machine tools for 2 million euros.

According to the Federal Prosecutor’s Office, Ulli Z. supplied the Russian arms manufacturer with machine tools through third countries, using companies in Switzerland and Lithuania. In order to conceal his actions, he conducted the deal through other firms he founded and another Russian company. At the same time, he falsified the date of the deal in order to get it out of the arms embargo, and wrote down the date in the contract a year earlier than its conclusion. 

In 2016, Ulli Z. held training courses in Russia on how to operate these machines.

The man is accused of violating several laws of Germany, in particular, on the control of weapons intended for warfare.

Source : CTPAHA.UA
