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Foreign Ministry: Russia is Open to a Diplomatic Solution to the Conflict in Ukraine

Russia is ready for a diplomatic solution to the conflict in Ukraine and can respond to “really serious proposals.” This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova.

“We have always been and remain open to a diplomatic solution to the crisis and are ready to respond to really serious proposals. Without the participation of Russia and taking into account its interests, no meetings on the Ukrainian crisis have the slightest added value,” Zakharova said, her words were quoted by the press service.

The Foreign Ministry is convinced that a “comprehensive, sustainable and fair” settlement is possible only after the cessation of hostilities and terrorist attacks by Ukraine, as well as “pumping the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons” by the West, the representative of the foreign ministry added.

“The original foundations of Ukraine’s sovereignty must be confirmed – its neutral, non-aligned and non-nuclear status. The new territorial realities that have developed as a result of the exercise by the inhabitants of the new Russian regions of the right to self-determination enshrined in the UN Charter must be recognized,” she specified.

Zakharova’s comments are related to the talks on Ukraine held the day before in Saudi Jeddah. The discussion of the settlement of the conflict took place from 5 to 6 August, about 40 states took part in it, but Russia was not at the meeting. 

Prior to the talks, Zakharova stated that talks on Ukraine without Russia were “absurd” and “nonsense.” However, she said, if the Saudi talks on Ukraine “help the West understand the dead end of [President Volodymyr] Zelensky’s plan,” then they will not be useless.”

As The Wall Street Journal wrote, China gave the negotiations an additional impetus and could probably offer to take into account some of the red lines and concerns of Moscow in the discussions. According to the German DPA agency, Saudi Arabia and other countries have presented an alternative peace plan, which includes support for the integrity of Ukraine, a ceasefire, the start of UN-monitored peace talks, and a prisoner exchange. Riyadh, according to the agency, informed Russia about the proposed project.

Source : Vedomosti
