Home » Columbia Students When the Weather is 60 Degrees and Above
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Columbia Students When the Weather is 60 Degrees and Above

Spring has semi-sprung! The flowers and trees are budding back to life, and so is Columbia’s campus. Say goodbye to gray and drabby days with early sunsets, and say hello to sunny weather and the end of the semester. With nice days on the horizon, where can one find Columbia students out and about?

Here are some of the many different types of Columbia students around campus once the temperature hits 60 degrees.

Low Steps Lovers

Chairs and benches? Columbia students haven’t heard of them. Why sit where you are supposed to when you can sit on the stairs of a former library and make getting to the north of campus like navigating a maze? We love challenging our peers. Seeing Columbia students sit on Low Steps, also known as ‘the steps’ or Low Beach, is the equivalent of checking the weather app. The second the thermometer starts inching up to 60 degrees, you better believe Columbia students will be flocking to the steps. Whether it’s studying, reading, eating, or catching up with friends, the steps are the place to be.

South Field Picnickers

While “field” may be a stretch to describe the parallel rectangular patches of grass in front of Butler Library, there is certainly a good amount of space for students to hang out—if they’re open. When the weather is nice, you’ll find students with picnic blankets, snacks, and books enjoying the sun. The best part of hanging out on South Field is realizing that it rained during the night, but only after you’ve already settled down and gotten your pants wet.

Futter Field Favorites

Again, what is it with this school and naming rectangular patches of grass “fields”? Despite its limited square footage that barely meets the requirements to be considered a field, Futter Field is a popular spot among students who love to hang out and enjoy the great outdoors.   Considering the whole of Barnard’s campus  is about the size of four football fields total, students have grown accustomed to the realities of attending  college in New York City and its limited green space. Who really needs acres of land to sprawl out on when you are in the greatest city on Earth? Just walk by Futter Field when the temperature is above 60 degrees and see for yourself.

Terrace Devotees

What could be better than sitting outside on a balcony with the sun glaring in your eyes while your papers fly everywhere in the wind? Well, Barnard and Columbia students seem to think nothing is better than that, considering how many people enjoy sitting out on the Milstein Center for Teaching and Learning’s terrace on a nice sunny day. If that works for you, we’re all for it. Just please do not slam the door out to the terrace on your way out—it’s still a library! Also, why do people enjoy taking phone calls on the balcony as everyone inside just watches them pace back and forth?

Frisbee F(r)iends

Is there any green space on campus where Columbia students haven’t loved playing frisbee? Even if there are people studying, picnicking, or laying out on the grass, nothing will get in the way of students who are determined to play a game of frisbee on a nice spring day—even if it means possibly trampling over others. Ah yes, we love considerate Columbia students.

Next time you check the weather app and see that it will be 60 degrees, you know exactly what everyone on campus will be doing. From sitting on the steps to talking on the phone on the terrace of Milstein, Columbia students love taking advantage of being outdoors on a warm, sunny day. After all, we do live in a concrete jungle—depending on what you consider to be a jungle.

Source : ColumbiaSpectator
